Mobile Computing

Spring 2022

This document includes the reading list for the mobile systems and applications course. This reading list was compiled so that various areas of mobile computing can be comprehensively covered. The papers to be presented in class are must-read. Other papers are optional but I encourage you to read them as well. This course was designed together with Prof. Youngki Lee at Seoul National University.

Week 1: Class Intro & Innovative applications (No Paper Presentation)

How to Read a Paper [ACM SIGCOMM Computer Communication Review ’07]

Ubicomp Systems at 20: Progress, Opportunities, and Challenges [IEEE Pervasive Computing ’12]

Week 2: Human Behavior and Context Sensing

A Survey of Mobile Phone Sensing [IEEE Computer Magazine ’10] (This paper is just for reading, not for presentation)

The Jigsaw Continuous Sensing Engine for Mobile Phone Application [ACM SenSys ’10]

A practical approach for recognizing eating moments with wrist-mounted inertial sensing, [ACM UbiComp ’15]

Hivemind: Social Control-and-Use of IoT towards Democratization of Public Spaces [ACM MobiSys21]

iMon: Appearance-based Gaze Tracking System on Mobile Devices [ACM UbiComp '22]

Week 3: Mobile Healthcare

Assessing Mental Health, Academic Performance and Behavioral Trends of College Students using Smartphones [ACM UbiComp ’14]

Contactless Sleep Apnea Detection on Smartphones [ACM MobiSys ’15]

VitaMon: measuring heart rate variability using smartphone front camera [ACM SenSys '19]

eBP: A Wearable System For Frequent and Comfortable Blood Pressure Monitoring From User’s Ear [ACM MobiCom '19]

Week 4: Indoor Localization and Analytics

Unsupervised Indoor Localization [ACM MobiSys ’12]

Zee: Zero-Effort Crowdsourcing for Indoor Localization [ACM MobiCom ’12]

Need Accurate User Behavior? Pay Attention to Groups! [ACM UbiComp ‘15]

QueueVadis: queuing analytics using smartphones [ACM/IEEE IPSN ’15]

Week 5: Mobile / Embedded System Privacy

DarkneTZ: Towards Model Privacy at the Edge using Trusted Execution Environments [ACM MobiSys '20]

LiteZKP: Lightening Zero-Knowledge Proof-based Blockchains for IoT and Edge Platforms [IEEE Systems Journal '21]

PPFL: Privacy-preserving Federated Learning with Trusted Execution Environments [ACM MobiSys '21]

Week 6: Invited Talk (Speaker: TBD)

Week 7: Mobile Graphics and Systems

RAVEN: Perception-aware Optimization of Power Consumption for Mobile Games [ACM Mobicom '17]

Graphics-aware Power Governing for Mobile Devices [ACM MobiSys '19]

GLEAM: An illumination estimation framework for real-time photorealistic augmented reality on mobile devices [ACM MobiSys '19]

LpGL: Low-power Graphics Library for Mobile AR Headsets [ACM MobiSys '19]

UltraDepth: Exposing High-Resolution Texture from Depth Cameras [ACM SenSys '21]

Week 8: Midterm Exam Week

Week 9: Low-power System Design

Chameleon: A Color-Adaptive Web Browser for Mobile OLED Displays [ACM Mobisys ’11]

Avoiding the Rush Hours: WiFi Energy Management via Traffic Isolation [ACM Mobisys ‘11]

Energy Characterization and Optimization of Image Sensing Toward Continuous Mobile Vision [ACM MobiSys ‘13]

zTT: Learning-based DVFS with Zero Thermal Throttling for Mobile Devices [ACM MobiSys ‘21]

Week 10: Innovative Design and Development Tools

Where is the energy spent inside my app? Fine Grained Energy Accounting on Smartphones with Eprof [EuroSys ‘12]

AMC: verifying user interface properties for vehicular applications [ACM MobiSys ‘13]

Automatic and scalable fault detection for mobile applications [ACM MobiSys ‘14]

PUMA: Programmable UI-Automation for Large-Scale Dynamic Analysis of Mobile Apps [ACM MobiSys ‘14]

Week 11: Mobile and Embedded Deep Learning (1)

Deep Learning in the Era of Edge Computing: Challenges and Opportunities [arxiv '20] (This paper is a MUST READ paper -- not for presentation)

Sparsification and Separation of Deep Learning Layers for Constrained Resource Inference on Wearables [ACM SenSys '16]

DeepX: A Software Accelerator for Low-Power Deep Learning Inference on Mobile Devices [ACM/IEEE IPSN '16]

MobiSR: Efficient On-Device Super-Resolution through Heterogeneous Mobile Processors [ACM MobiCom '19]

Week 12: Mobile and Embedded Deep Learning (2)

DeepASL: Enabling Ubiquitous and Non-Intrusive Word and sentence-Level Sign Language Translation [ACM SenSys ‘17]

Mic2Mic: Using Cycle-Consistent Generative Adversarial Networks to Overcome Microphone Variability in Speech Systems [IPSN '19]

Enabling Real-time Sign Language Translation on Mobile Platforms with On-board Depth Cameras [ACM UbiComp '21]

nn-Meter: Towards Accurate Latency Prediction of Deep-Learning Model Inference on Diverse Edge Devices [ACM MobiSys '21]

Week 13: Invited Talk (TBD)

Week 14: Mobile Cloud and Edge Computing

MAUI: Making Smartphones Last Longer with Code Offload, [ACM Mobisys ‘10].

CloneCloud: Elastic Execution Between Mobile Device and Cloud [Eurosys ‘11].

Neurosurgeon: Collaborative Intelligence Between the Cloud and Mobile Edge [ASPLOS '17]

SPINN: synergistic progressive inference of neural networks over device and cloud [MobiSys '20]

Week 15: Reading Period

Week 16: Final Exam