Our History
(News and Lab Log)
The Embedded Intelligent Systems Lab opened its doors in September 2015 as a research group at the Department of Computer Engineering, Ajou University and moved to the School of Integrated Technology, Yonsei University in September 2019. Since its beginning, we have attracted a stellar group of students and researchers that have contributed to many significant research accomplishments in the field of intelligent mobile and embedded systems. Below shows a list of memorable events and achievements from our research group.
HyeonJung will be joining Hyundai Mobis, a member of the Hyundai Motor Group, as a software engineer! Congratulations!
HyeonJung successfully defended her master's thesis! Congratulations!
Jaeyeon's paper on designing a machine learning algorithm for predicting speech discrimination scores from pure tone audiometric thresholds will be published in PloS ONE. This is a collaborative work with the Ajou University School of Medicine. Congratulations!
Hyunjun's paper proposing Monte-Carlo Attention for reducing the computational cost of self-attention mechanisms in Transformer architectures has been accepted to AAAI 2022! Congratulations!
JeongGil will be serving on the EWSN 2022 PC.
JeongGil will be serving on the SmartComp 2022 PC.
Sinh's paper on designing a mobile gaze tracking system with sub-centimeter accuracy using a smarpthone front camera has been accepted to PACM IMWUT and will be presented at ACM UbiComp 2022! Congratulations!
JeongGil will be serving as the publicity chair for EWSN 2022.
JaeYeon's work presented at ACM UbiComp 2020 (published in PACM IMWUT Volume 4), "HeartQuake: Accurate Low-Cost Non-Invasive ECG Monitoring Using Bed-Mounted Geophones" received the Distinguished Paper Award! Our work was selected as one of the top 6 papers published in PACM IMWUT volume 4 (172 papers). The award ceremony was held during ACM UbiComp 2021. Congratulations JaeYeon!
JeongGil will be serving as a PC member for ACM MobiCom 2022.
Kichang and Yujin will continue their studies in our research group as Ph.D. students starting March 2022!
JeongGil will be serving as the poster chair for IEEE/ACM IPSN 2022.
Dr. Sinh Huynh will be joining Torus.AI, a french AI startup, as an AI engineer from September 2021. Congratulations!
Eunsung will be joining Fine Digital, major car navigation and drive recorder manufacturing company, as part of his mandatory military service. Congratulations!
JeongGil will be promoted to associate professor effective Fall 2021.
Our proposal on designing a smart sensing system for supporting dancing performances for the handicapped has been accepted for funding by the Korea Creative Content Agency and the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism. Our research group will contribute to the real-time analysis of wearable sensor data and will be funded for four years.
Sungmin's collaborative work with Prof. Eunha Kim's research team on designing machine learning model for fluorescent sensor array-based pH classification has been accepted to Dyes and Pigments! Congratulations Sungmin!
Our work on estimating the liver fibrosis by exploiting surface nodularity measurements from CT images has been published in Abdominal Radiology! Congratulations Jaewon!
JaeYeon's work on designing a new user interface for trauma center environments has been accepted for publication to PLoS ONE! Congratulations JaeYeon!
JaeYeon's poster (together with the Ajou University Hospital research team) on predicting speech discrimination scores from pure-tone threshold measurements was awarded the Best Poster Award from the 2021 Korean Otological Society Conference! Congratulations JaeYeon!
HyeonJung's paper on designing a depth video-based mobile sign language translation system has been accepted to PACM IMWUT and will be presented at ACM UbiComp 2021! Congratulations!
JeongGil will be serving on the TPC for IEEE MASS 2021.
Jungwon has joined our group as the lab admin! Welcome!!
JeongGil will be serving another term (2 years) as associate editor for the Proceedings of the ACM on Interactive, Mobile, Wearable, and Ubiquitous Technologies.
Our proposal on designing an intelligent mobile/wearable sensing system for supporting speech therapy has been accepted for funding via the Consolidator Research Grant (중견연구자지원사업) from the National Research Foundation of Korea! Our group will be supported 130K USD per year for the next three years on this project.
Jaewon's work on exploiting 2K video frames for supporting efficient 4K-quality pervasive video streaming has been accepted to IEEE Pervasive Computing magazine Special Issue on Pervasive Video and Audio! Congratulations Jaewon!
JeongGil will be serving on the TPC for ACM SenSys 2021.
Eunseong's paper on designing a lightweight protocol suite for supporting blockchain-based payments on IoT/edge computing platforms has been accepted to IEEE Systems Journal! Congratulations Eunsung!
We welcome three new undergraduate researchers for 2021. Warmest welcome to Hanju, Kichang, and Yujin!
JeongGil will be serving on the program committee for IEEE SECON 2021.
Our paper that exploits chemical characteristics of kaleidoscopic fluorescent arrays for point of care chemical testing using mobile machine learning has been accepted to Sensors and Actuators, B: Chemical. Congratulations to Jungmo and all the other awesome collaborators!
Our paper on designing a light-weight machine learning system for embedded VOC classification has been accepted to the Ad Hoc Networks Journal! Congratulations Jungmo!
JeongGil will be serving as a co-chair for the posters and demos track at MobiQuitous 2021.
Our proposal in developing a secure and robust system architecture for practical IoT deployments has been accepted for funding by the ITEA3 program! This is a joint project with our partners in Sweden and Romania, and the Yonsei University team will be funded 130K USD per year through KIAT for three years.
Hyunjun will be presenting his poster on applying homomorphic encryption to contact tracing systems at ACM SenSys 2020. Congratulations!
Our paper on classifying the accuracy of heart rate measurements of smart wearables has been accepted to IEEE Access! Congratulations Jungmo!
We have published the Yonsei Korean Sign Language (KSL) Dataset. Refer to this page to request data.
JeongGil will be serving as a PC member and Associate Chair for ACM CSCW 2021.
Our paper on exploiting light-weight deep learning models on embedded GPUs for reckless driving detection has been accepted to IEEE MASS 2020! Congratulations Woojin!
JeongGil will be serving as a PC member for IEEE PerHealth 2021.
Our paper on designing a virtual reality-based system for testing children with intermittent exotropia has been accepted to Eye! Congratulations Jaewon!
Sungmin has been accepted to the Ph.D. program at Yonsei and will be joining our lab as a Ph.D. student next spring! Congratulations!
Our lab alumni Hyuksang has moved to Alchera, a AI and AR startup at Pangyo. Congratulations on the new position!
JeongGil will be serving as a TPC member for EWSN 2021.
Jaeyeon's paper on designing a deep learning model for predicting ECG from mattress vibrations (HeartQuake) has been accepted to ACM IMWUT and will be presented at ACM UbiComp 2020! Congratulations!
JeongGil will be serving as a TPC member for ACM/IEEE IPSN 2021.
JeongGil will be joining the editorial board of KSII Transactions on Internet and Information Systems as Editor and Area Editor.
JeongGil will be serving as publicity chair for ACM MobiCom 2021.
Sungmin will be joining Zezedu, an AI-based smart education system designing startup, for his summer internship!
Our paper on image suggestion for mobile chat conversations will be presented at ACM MobileHCI 2020.
Our IT Research Center (ITRC) proposal has been accepted! This is an 8 year project on designing various intelligent systems for clinical image data.
Seungmin and Woojin visited Yonsei to celebrate teacher's day! Thank you for coming!
JeongGil joins the editorial board of Frontiers in Communications and Networks as an associate editor.
Sinh joined our lab once again, this time as a post-doctoral researcher. Welcome back Sinh!
Hyunjun will be joining our research group as an undergraduate intern. Welcome!
JeongGil will be serving as the publicity chair for EWSN 2021.
Jaeyeon, Jaewon, Eunsung, and Seungmin graduated with their masters degree from Ajou University! Congratulations! Jaeyeon, Jaewon, and Eunseong will be continuing their research as Ph.D. students at Yonsei University.
Jaewon will be joining Nokia Bell Labs UK for his summer internship! Congratulations!
JeongGil will be serving on the TPC for ACM SenSys 2020.
Seungmin will be joining RTST, an ETRI startup focusing on real-time embedded systems, as part of his mandatory military service. Congratulations!
Seohyun will be joining our lab as an intern researcher.
Congratulations to HyeonJung on receiving the Best Poster Runner Up Award at IEEE/ACM COMSNETS 2020!
Sungmin will join our lab as an undergraduate intern. Welcome!
Jaeyeon, Eunseong, Jaewon, Hyeonjung will continue their research in our group as graduate students at Yonsei University starting Spring 2020!
Our proposal with Smartworks.Net on designing an acceleration module for image processing-based automated billiards scoring systems has been accepted for funding by the Korean Ministry of SMEs and Startups.
Our joint proposal with Coxlab on designing a low-resource demanding machine learning algorithm for LPWA-based networks has been accepted for funding by the Korean Ministry of SMEs and Startups.
Our paper on enabling autonomous emoji recommendations for mobile chats (together with Sung-Ju Lee's group at KAIST) will appear in the ACM Transactions on Social Computing.
JeongGil will be serving as the "Special Event" co-chair for ACM SenSys 2020. We are preparing an event to facilitate sensing systems-related research for students. Additional details will be announced through the ACM SenSys 2020 website.
JeongGil will be serving on the TPC for IEEE ICDCS 2020.
JeongGil will be serving on the TPC for IEEE SECON 2020.
Our paper on presenting experimental results for wireless power transfer in low-power network systems will be published in IEEE Access.
JeongGil joins the School of Integrated Technology at Yonsei University.
The Embedded Intelligent Systems Lab has moved from Ajou University to Yonsei University!
Eunseong's work on designing a scheme for supporting DTLS-based combined storage/communication security for IoT systems has beed accepted to IEEE MASS 2019. Congratulations Eunseong!
Our paper on measuring heart rate variability using the smartphone front camera has been accepted to ACM SenSys 2019! Sinh worked on this project during his visit at the EIS lab. Congratulations Sinh!
JeongGil will be serving as the Demo Co-chair for ACM/IEEE IPSN 2020.
Jaeyeon will be starting his summer internship at CSIRO in Brisbane.
Jungmo's IEEE DCOSS 2019 publication on VOC classification will be fast tracked to the Ad Hoc Networks Journal!
Our paper on designing a light-weight certificate for IoT devices is accepted to the Transactions on Emerging Telecommunications Technologies. Congratulations Hyuksang!
JeongGil is awarded the Best Reviewer Award from ICT Express.
JeongGil will receive the Ajou Publication Award for the publications in 2018.
JeongGil will be organizing the Second International Workshop on Computing for Well-Being (WellComp 2019).
Our paper on designing an IoT system for classifying VOC materials is accepted to IEEE DCOSS 2019! Congratulations Jungmo!
Our paper on exploiting user perception information for saving power on mobile AR headsets has been accepted to ACM MobiSys 2019! Congratulations Jaewon and HyeonJung!
LpGL won the best demo award at ACM HotMobile 2019! Congratulations Jaewon and HyeonJung!
Our lab hosted the first Korean Symposium on Mobile and Ubiquitous Computing
JeongGil will be serving as a TPC Co-Chair for IEEE COMSNETS 2020! Please consider submitting your work! http://www.comsnets.org/
Two demo papers accepted to ACM HotMobile 2019. Congratulations to Jaewon, Hyeonjung and Seungchan!
Our paper on designing a MAC protocol for intra-body networks is accepted to the Sensors Journal. Congratulations Seungmin!
JeongGil is appointed as an associate editor for the Proceedings of the ACM on Interactive, Mobile, Wearable and Ubiquitous Technologies (PACM IMWUT).
End of year dinner with everyone in the lab + Hyuksang!
Woojin successfully defended his masters thesis! Congratulations!
Jaewon and his team is awarded the first place prize from the Open Source Software "Contributhon" hosted by the Korean Ministry of Science and ICT. Congratulations!
Our work with the ophthalmology department on applying VR systems for children with intermittent exotropia is accepted to be presented at the American Association for Pediatric Ophthalmology and Strabismus Annual Meeting. Great work Jaewon and Seungchan!
HyeonJung will be joining our lab as a Ph.D. student starting March 2019. Congratulations and Welcome!
Woojin will be joining KT as a software engineer upon his masters graduation from the lab. Congratulations!
Our paper on identifying VOC materials using a smartphone has been accepted to the ACM CPD 2018 workshop. Congratulations Jungmo!
JeongGil will be serving on the ACM MobiSys 2019 TPC.
Our paper on designing a smartphone notification system for drivers is accepted to ACM Ubittention 2018. Congratulations HyeonJung!
Jungmo is selected as a Global Ph.D. Fellow by the National Research Foundation!! His studies and research on embedded deep learning models will be supported by the Korean government! Congratulations!!
Seungmin and HyeongJung's posters are accepted to ACM Ubicomp 2018!
HyeonJung will be visiting Keio University this summer as a visiting researcher working with Prof. Tadashi Okoshi.
Taewoo will be visiting University of Duisburg-Essen this summer as a visiting researcher working with Prof. Rasit Eskicioglu and Pedro Jose Marron.
Eunseong will be starting a summer internship at the Advanced Research Institute for Social Trust (ARIST).
Hyuksang has successfully defended his master's thesis! Congratulations Hyuksang! He will be joining mBrain Inc. as a researcher as part of his mandatory military service.
JeongGil will be serving as publicity chair for EWSN 2019.
JeongGil will receive the Ajou Publication Award (Bronze) for the publications made in 2017.
Our paper on designing sensor network algorithms for supporting image-based deep learning systems is accepted to PLoS ONE. Congratulations Jungmo and JaeYeon!
Hyeonjung will join our lab as an undergrduate intern. Welcome Hyeonjung!
Our proposal on developing a Korean Sign Language translator using gesture recognition will be funded from the National Research Foundation from 2018.03 to 2021.02!
Our article on identifying lesions in the small intestine with capsule endoscopy devices will appear in the IEEE Computer Magazine! Congratulations Jungmo!
Congratulations to Eunsung for his best paper award (undergraduate research projects) at the Korean Institute of Communications and Information Sciences Winter Conference 2018!
Our paper on capturing engagement-levels for mobile gaming is accepted to the Proceedings of the ACM on Interactive, Mobile, Wearable and Ubiquitous Technologies (IMWUT) and will be presented at ACM Ubicomp 2018! Congratulations Seungmin!
JeongGil has been elevated to be an IEEE Senior Member
JeongGil will be on the external review committee (ERC) for ACM MobiSys 2018.
JeongGil will be serving on the IEEE DCOSS 2018 TPC.
JeongGil will be serving as the co-workshop chair for ACM UbiComp 2018.
Eunsung will be joining our lab as a Ph.D. student in Spring 2018! Welcome!
JeongGil will serve on the PC for ICCCN 2018.
Our paper on designing efficient in-loop filters for HEVC decoders will appear in IEEE Transactions on Multimedia.
Our paper discussing the limitations of RPL will be published in the IEEE Communications Surveys & Tutorials.
JeongGil will be serving on the ICDCS 2018 TPC.
Our work on improving low-power network performance with deployment height will be published in IJDSN.
MediSense has been accepted to ACM SenSys 2017! Congratulations JaeYeon and Woojin!
JeongGil will be serving as the publicity chair for ACM HotMobile 2018.
JeongGil will be serving on the EWSN 2018 TPC.
Jaewon will be joining our lab as a Ph.D. student this fall! Welcome!
Congratulations to Jaeyeon and Woojin for having their paper accepted to IEEE EMBC 2017!
Our paper on detecting children with 3D depth cameras has been accepted to ACM TOSN!
JeongGil will be serving on the external technical program committee for ACM SenSys 2017.
We moved! Our lab is now at Paldal Hall 913.
JeongGil will be serving as publicity chair for ACM MobiCom 2017.
Our paper on classifying the accuracy of smart watch heart rate sensor readings will appear at ACM HotMobile 2017! Congratulations Jungmo, HK and Sion!
Best wishes to Jaewon on his 8 week internship at Naver.
JeongGil Ko will be serving as a director board member for the Korean Institute of Medical Informatics and the Korean Institute of Communications and Information Sciences during the 2017 term.
Congratulations to Jungmo for winning an honorary mention award on his undergraduate research, Jaeyeon's team for winning an honorary mention award on their Senior Capstone Design project, and Jungmo, Woojin and their team for the 1st place prize on their Senior Capstone Design project at the 2016 Ajou Software Festival!
Our proposal in initiating a Digital Healthcare Software Testing Center will be funded from the Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy from 2016.12 to 2021.11!
JeongGil will be serving on the ACM Digital Health 2017 TPC.
JeongGil will be serving as the ACM MobiSys 2017 Ph.D. Forum Co-Chair.
JeongGil will be serving as the workshop co-chair for IEEE MDM 2017.
As of March 2017, Jaeyeon will join our lab as a Ph.D. student (Ph.D.-Masters Integrated Course), Jungmo, Woojin will join as masters students, and Jaewon will join as an undergraduate intern. Welcome all!!!
JeongGil will be serving as a member of the external review committee for ACM MobiSys 2017.
JeongGil will be serving on the IEEE ICDCS 2017 TPC.
JeongGil will be serving on the ICCCN 2017 TPC.
Our paper on smart markets will be published in the IEEE Communications Magazine.
Our research grant proposal for designing an intra-body communication system for future combat network systems will be funded from 2016.11 to 2022.10 by the Defense Acquisition Program Administration and Agency for Defense Development!!
Congratulations to Jungmo for winning the best poster award for the work during his summer internship at KETI.
Our paper on using software defined radios on smartphones will appear in the ACM Transactions on Sensor Networks (TOSN).
JeongGil will be serving on the ACM HotMobile 2017 TPC.
Best wishes to Seungmin for starting his internship at the Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute (ETRI).
Our paper on designing a reliable and energy efficient packet delivery scheme for asymmetric transmission power-based networks has been accepted to the ACM Transactions on Sensor Networks (TOSN).
Our paper on designing schemes for WSN-smartphone interaction will be published in the International Journal of Sensor Networks!
Congratulations to Jungmo for starting his summer internship at the Korea Electronics Technology Institute (KETI)!
We will receive a 3 year research grant as part of a Eurostars Project, funded by the Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy (in Korea) and Vinnova (Sweden), for performing research on designing a light-weight security certificate for resource-limited IoT devices with the Swedish Institute of Computer Science (SICS) and neXus!!
Congratulations to Jungmo and Jaeyeon for having their papers accepted to IEEE RTCSA 2016 WiP track!
We will start a research project (2016.06-2019.12) on analyzing medical images for designing smart endoscopes as part of Ajou University's Microscopic Diagnosis System Research Center funded by the ITRC project, Ministry of Science, ICT and Future Planning (MSIP)!
Congratulations to Nakhyun for successfully defending his masters thesis!
Seungmin's first paper is accepted to ASSET/MobiSys 2016! Congratulations Seungmin!!
JeongGil Ko will be serving on the EWSN 2017 TPC!
Hyuksang Kwon will be joining our lab in fall 2016 as a new Masters student! Welcome Hyuksang!
We've received funding from the Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute (ETRI) for developing a low-complexity long-distance localization system for LoRaWAN-based platforms!
JeongGil will be serving as a guest editor for the "Scientific Programming Journal" special issue on "Ubiquitous Bio and Sentimental E-Health Intelligent Systems"! Please submit your work!
Our paper on efficiently controlling Miracast multimedia streaming on mobile devices will appear in the IEEE Systems Journal!
We will be starting a collaborative project with DGIST (2016.05.-2017.04.) on implementing low-resource demanding clinical event detection software for wearable healthcare platforms!
JeongGil now holds joint affiliations between the Department of Software and Computer Engineering and the Department of Biomedical Informatics, School of Medicine.
JeongGil will be serving as a TPC member for INFOCOM 2017!
Our paper on achieving a low-complexity power splitting/allocation algorithm has been accepted to the IEEE Systems Journal!
Awarded a 3 year (2016.04-2018.12) research grant from the Ministry of Health and Welfare for developing a deep learning model for sepsis detection using clinical and biosignal big data!!
JeongGil will be serving as a co-chair for the KICS Smart Transportation Workshop held in Seoul, May 26-27 2016!
JeongGil will be serving as the IoT Expo Co-Chair for ACM/IEEE IPSN 2016!
Jungmo and his team (SetupBox) has advanced to the finals in the Naver D2 Campus Fest 2015! Congratulations!
JeongGil will be serving on the board of directors for the Institute of Embedded Engineering of Korea (IEMEK) from 2016 to 2017!
Lab website publicly launched!
Paper accepted to ACM HotMobile 2016!
The lab accepts its first batch of students for Spring 2016! Seungmin Kim (M.S. Student) / Jungmo Ahn and Jaeyeon Park (Undergraduate Students)
Received best demo award from ACM SenSys 2015!
Paper accepted to IEEE Systems Journal!
JeongGil will be serving as WiP Chair for IEEE RTCSA 2016!
JeongGil joins the Department of Software Convergence Technology at Ajou University as an assistant professor!