Embedded Intelligent Systems Laboratory
@ Yonsei University College of Computing
연세대학교 지능형임베디드시스템 연구실
Welcome to the Embedded Intelligent Systems Laboratory at the School of Integrated Technology, College of Computing, Yonsei University!
연세대학교 인공지능융합대학 IT융합공학과 지능형임베디드시스템 연구실 방문을 환영합니다!
We are interested in a broad range of research topics within the domain of mobile and embedded computing systems, cyber physical systems, intelligent computing and human-computer interaction. Overall, we are interested in how we can design various forms of computing systems in a human-centered manner.
The basis of our research is in identifying interesting system-level requirements for real-world computing applications, and spans to designing hardware/software prototypes for addressing challenging application tasks. Specifically, our lab focuses on research topics such as low-power mobile and embedded computing systems, sensing-based context recognition systems, and ambient intelligent sensing system design for applications such as healthcare, transportation or buildings.
We are always on the search for devoted students to join our research group. If you are interested in building smart embedded systems and performing research in this domain, please send us (anyone in the lab) an email! Note that we have limited spaces for students and researchers, so make sure that you are willing to work hard and have strong programming skills (C, Java, Python or whatever language you like the best) before contacting us.
Recent News and Lab Log
Our survey paper on on-device training frameworks for resource constraint platforms will be published in the ACM Transactions on Sensor Networks. Excellent collaboration with Uppsala University and RISE. Congratulations Shuai!
Our group's Ph.D. graduate Dr. JaeYeon Park will be joining Dankook University as a tenure-track assistant professor! Congratulations Professor Park!
Kichang will start his 6-month visit to the School of Computing and Information Systems at Singapore Management University.
Our work on designing a benchmark for federated learning in IoT systems will be published in the Journal of Data-centric Machine Learning Research (DMLR).
Minju will be continuing her research as a Ph.D. student in our research group.
JeongGil will be serving on the PC for IEEE SECON 2025.
Our poster on designing a foundational model for ECG data using contrastive learning was awarded the Best Poster Award from the Korean Society of Medical Informatics Spring Conference! Congratulations Kichang!
Jaeho will be joining our group as a Ph.D. student starting this fall. Congratulations on your acceptance to the Ph.D. program and welcome!
Yong Un has successfully defended his masters thesis! Congratulations Yong Un! He will be returning to his position as a software engineer for LX Semicon.
Kichang has been selected as a visiting student researcher to Singapore Management University. His visit will be from Aug 2024 to Feb 2025.
JeongGil will be serving as an associate chair for ACM CHI 2025.
Our work on detecting counterfeit powdered food products using a smartphone camera, PowDew, received the Best Paper Award from ACM MobiSys 2024! Congratulations to Kichang and all the authors from the CyPhyLab@KAIST and the Human-centered Intelligent Systems Lab@POSTECH!
Sungmin and Kichang's work on designing an ultra-lightweight time-series classification model with gZip compression received the Best Poster Runner-Up Award from ACM MobiSys 2024. Congratulations!
Our proposal for initiating the YKCS Open RAN Global Collaboration Center (PI: Dongku Kim) will be funded by the Ministry of Science and ICT.
JeongGil will serve as a technical advisor for SK Magic, a SK Networks company.
JeongGil will serve as the Publication Chair for ACM SenSys 2024.
Our proposal on initiating the 6G Cloud Research and Education Open Hub (PI: Chan-Byoung Chae) will be funded by the Ministry of Science and ICT.
We will be extending our collaborations with LG Electronics with a new project related to developing small-scale language models for personalized HVAC system management.
JeongGil will be serving on the ACM SenSys 2024 TPC.
Our work on detecting counterfeit powdered food products using a smartphone camera has been accepted to ACM MobiSys 2024! Congratulations to Kichang and the team at KAIST and POSTECH!
JeongGil will be serving as the publications chair for ACM SenSys 2024.
JeongGil will be joining the editorial board of the IEEE Transactions on Quantum Engineering as an Associate Editor.
Joonhee will join our group as an undergraduate research intern. Welcome!
We will be starting a new project supported by the Ministry of Science and ICT on developing machine learning techniques for effectively supporting ultra-precision 6G networking.
Dr. Hyunmi Kim from ETRI will be joining our group as a visiting scholar from Dec. 2023 to May 2024! Welcome Hyunmi!
HeeWon will be joining our lab as a masters student starting March 2024! Welcome to the team!
We will be initiating a project on designing algorithms for vehicular radar-based environment and object classification with 42dot, a Hyundai Motors Company.
Our work in tracking people across densely populated indoor environments has been accepted to the Pervasive Mobile Computing journal.
JeongGil has been selected as a senior member of the ACM.
JeongGil will be serving on the ACM/IEEE IoTDI program committee.
JeongGil will be visiting Keio University as a Guest Associate Professor at Keio University SFC in January 2024.
Congratulations to JaeYeon for starting his career as a principle researcher at Samsung Electronics Mobile R&D Center! Congratulations JaeYeon!
Starting September 2023, JeongGil is also affiliated with the Graduate School of Artificial Intelligence at POSTECH as an adjunct professor.
Jaeho will be joining our group as an undergraduate intern.
JaeYeon, Kichang and Sungmin's work on designing a personalized federated learning framework for mobile and embedded sensing systems is accepted to PACM IMWUT and will be presented at ACM UbiComp 2023! Congratulations!
JaeYeon's work on designing a practical federated learning framework for networks with clients operating heterogeneous models will be published in ICT Express. Congratulations JaeYeon!
JeongGil will be serving on the IEEE DCOSS-IoT program committee.
JeongGil will be serving on the AAAI-24 program committee.
JeongGil will be serving as associate chair for ACM CSCW 2024.
JeongGil will be serving on the PC for IEEE PerCom 2024.
JeongGil will be serving as the poster and demo chair for IEEE WoWMoM 2024.
JaeYeon successfully defended his Ph.D. thesis! Congratulations Dr. Park!
Our proposal for the BK21 FOUR project on educating graduate-level experts in the field of intelligent semiconductor technology will be funded by the Korean Ministry of Education from September 2023 to August 2027.
JaeYeon will receive the Dissertation Fellowship from Yonsei University. Yonsei's Dissertation Fellowship is granted on a university-wide basis to Ph.D. candidates with promising Ph.D. proposals as they prepare their final stages of their degree. Congratulations JaeYeon!
Our group will be funded by LG Electronics on a collaborative project on data-centric building-scale HVAC system management.
JaeYeon and Kichang's work on designing an effective and self-evaluating deep model for arrhythmia detection is accepted to the Artificial Intelligence in Medicine journal! Congratulations to the both of you!
Our research group has been selected as a "Target Lab" by LG Electronics. Students from LG Target Labs are given special opportunities for LG-supported fellowships and are given preference in the employment process.
JeongGil is awarded the Outstanding Teaching Award from Yonsei University for courses taught in 2022.
JeongGil will be serving on the PC for ACM SenSys 2023.
JeongGil, together with Tadashi Okoshi (Keio University), will be serving as the general co-chair for ACM MobiSys 2024! The conference will be held in Tokyo Japan and the dates will be announced soon.
Our work, together with Seoul National University Hospital and Korea University, is accepted to the Computers in Biology and Medicine journal. In this work, we explore the impact of applying reinforcement learning techniques for propofol infusion control.
Soobin has joined our lab as a Ph.D. student and Minjoo has joined as a masters student! Welcome!
JeongGil will be serving on the PC for IEEE SECON 2023.
Our group successfully hosted the A3 Foresight Workshop on Empowering the Lifestyle and Well-being of Eastern Asian Elders with Intelligent IoT. Thank you to all the attendees!
Hanju will be back from his on-leave status and will continue his studies at our group. Welcome back Hanju!
Eunseong (M.S. alumnus) will be moving to Theori, an Austin-based cyber security R&D startup, starting Feb 2023! He will be working in Theori's Seoul office as a research engineer. Congratulations and best of luck!
JeongGil will be serving on the editorial board for the IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing.
Jungmo and JaeYeon's work on designing and implementing a vision-based safety monitoring system for factory assembly lines has been accepted to the Elsevier Expert Systems with Applications Journal. Congratulations to Dr. Ahn and JaeYeon!
Kento has joined our lab as a visiting MS student from Osaka University in Japan. He will be conducting research with us until the end of the year.
Jungmo's work on designing a server load and network condition-aware deep learning inference offloading scheme has been accepted to the Elsevier Internet of Things Journal. Congratulations Dr. Ahn!
JeongGil has been appointed as a Sustainable Development Fellow Professor from the Institute for Global Engagement and Empowerment, Yonsei University.
JeongGil will be serving on the PC for DCOSS-IoT 2023.
JeongGil will be serving on the PC for WWW 2023 Research Track on Systems and Infrastructure for Web, Mobile, and WoT.
JeongGil will be serving on the PC for AAAI 2023.
JeongGil will be serving on the PC of ACM CSCW 2023 as the Associate Chair.
JeongGil is awarded the ICT Express 2021 Best Guest Editor Award for the efforts in managing the Special Issue on Mobile and Edge Computing Systems.
JeongGil will be serving as the Technical Program Chair for ACM UbiComp 2022.
JeongGil will be serving on the IEEE PerCom 2023 TPC.
Jaehee and Yong Un will be joining our lab as new MS students starting September 2022! Welcome!
Jungmo has successfully defended his thesis and will be joining Hyundai Mobis as a principle researcher! Congratulations Dr. Ahn, it was a pleasure and honor having you in our research group!
Hyewon and Hyunbin will be joining our group as undergraduate research students! Welcome!
JeongGil will be organizing the The First (and Hopefully the Last) Workshop on Mobile Systems for COVID-19 Response (MobiCOVID 2022) together with Hyogon Kim (Korea University) as part of ACM MobiHoc 2022. Please submit your papers!
Hyunjun Kim (In Gim), will be continuing his studies as a Ph.D. student at the Department of Computer Science, Yale University. He will be advised by Professor Lin Zhong. Wishing for the best and congratulations!
The School of Integrated Technology (currently part of the College of Engineering) at Yonsei University will be joining the "College of Computing". Official changes will be effective March 2023.
Our proposal on designing a platform for supporting immersive VR/AR user interaction will be funded by the IITP and the Ministry of Science and ICT. Phase 1 of the project will be from April 2022 to December 2022, and Phase 2 will be from January 2023 to December 2025. The total amount of funding for this project is approximately 3 million USD.
JeongGil will be serving on the IEEE SECON 2022 PC.
JeongGil is awarded the Outstanding Teaching Award from Yonsei University for courses taught in 2021.
Hyunjun's paper on designing a memory-efficient deep neural network training framework for mobile devices with computational resource constraints has been accepted to ACM MobiSys 2022! Congratulations!
Our research group is now also affiliated with the Department of Biomedical Systems Informatics at the Yonsei University College of Medicine.
JeongGil has been appointed as Yonsei University's Associate Vice President for Information and Communications.
We are starting a new project with Epitone Inc., a San Diego-based metaverse platform startup, on developing low-latency 3D XR object transmission techniques for on-vehicle HUDs.
JeongGil will be serving on the TPC for IEEE MASS 2020 as the Systems and Applications Track Co-Chair.
JeongGil will be serving on the TPC for ACM SenSys 2022.
Jaehee will be joining our lab from Hongik University as an undergrad research intern. Welcome Jaehee!
JeongGil will be serving as Student Travel Grants Co-chair for ACM MobiSys 2022.